The One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) Small Business (SB) Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) is designed to address federal agencies’ need for a full range of service requirements that deliver multiple professional service disciplines and ancillary services/ products for all contract types and pricing at the task order level.


The U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) OASIS+ GWAC has been designed as a Best in Class (BIC) Professional Services acquisition solution by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The services provided under OASIS+ SB are intended to meet the professional service mission requirements of all federal agencies, including all organizations within the Department of Defense (DoD) and National Security Community.

Core management components include:

  • Program Management Services
  • Management Consulting Services
  • Engineering Services
  • Scientific Services
  • Financial Services

Quality Assurance

For every task order performed by IT-CNP, we generate a service-specific Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP). IT-CNP Quality Management Office conducts a periodic review of all active task orders to ensure that quality measurement matrices used by project management team are reflective of task order requirements and meet the highest quality standards expected by each customer.

IT-CNP achieves its quality assurance management goals by adhering to the following quality principles:

  • Commitment to 100% customer satisfaction - our most important business objective
  • Commitment to high quality in corporate standards, professionalism, and technical competence
  • Encouragement of quality improvement initiatives and recognition of individual contribution
  • Adherence to the highest standards of ethics and business conduct
  • Identification of new opportunities for quality improvement
  • Management commitment to the importance of quality optimization

IT-CNP services are available through:

Alcor OASIS + SB Contract: 47QRCA25DS262
Alcor OASIS+ 8(A) Contract: 47QRCA25DA026

OASIS+ Point of Contact

OASIS+ Contract Administrator
Telephone: 410-884-1004